Red Ork Boolits

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Taking Orders

20 April 2015 | No Comments » | Boss

Please email orders and for current price sheet.


Boss   at   RedOrk  dot  com

The Good and The Bad, but no Ugly

24 February 2015 | No Comments » | Boss

Hurrah! for Product testing.

No they do not look like lipsticks!

So Pretty…

Aren’t those beautiful boolits? Don’t look at the brass, I don’t polish no stinkin brass.

Through two 9mm’s the bullets were clean and accurate with flawless feeding sized to .356 and loaded out to 1.166 OAL. At least the Steyr would not have fed FP bullets loaded that long. So I am excited about offering a RN 147.

I think the 147’s are good to go, but am still waiting for reports from at least 2 of my beta testers. Next on the testing block will be the 160’s.




Buggered real good

Yup. Definitely buggered. Gonna need to replace that

Unfortunately this buggered screw hole (and 2 more like it) means I have to replace three carrier bars. Because if you try to run it with 1 carrier bar out of whack and clear jams as they occur then sooner or later you will get a jam that buggers up more carrier bars. Ask me how I know. Parts (including spares) should be here in 4-5 days, and in the meantime I have just a small smattering of 160gr boolits to play with and divide among a few other testers.

Red Ork Boolits coming soon

5 September 2014 | No Comments » | Boss

For those of you looking for status updates on our little start up boolit company the short version is that I have received my FFL in the mail and signed a lease. I am working with a good loan broker on matching me to a lender. Further or more detailed updates can be found on our Facebook and/or twitter. Indiegogo backers should also receive emails of updates we post on there.


orcFor those of you wondering just what this is all about. Hi, my name is Dan and my ork buddy and I are going to be making cast lead bullets for reloaders starting very soon. Specifically we will make boolits coated with the superb Hi-Tek lube instead of the traditional wax ring. Of course they will be red, ’cause you know he is an ultra rare red ork and red is better for everything.