Red Ork Boolits coming soon

5 September 2014 | No Comments » | Boss

For those of you looking for status updates on our little start up boolit company the short version is that I have received my FFL in the mail and signed a lease. I am working with a good loan broker on matching me to a lender. Further or more detailed updates can be found on our Facebook and/or twitter. Indiegogo backers should also receive emails of updates we post on there.


orcFor those of you wondering just what this is all about. Hi, my name is Dan and my ork buddy and I are going to be making cast lead bullets for reloaders starting very soon. Specifically we will make boolits coated with the superb Hi-Tek lube instead of the traditional wax ring. Of course they will be red, ’cause you know he is an ultra rare red ork and red is better for everything.